Question: How do frozen vegetables stack up against fresh?
Feb 2022
Amelia’s thoughts: If frozen vegetables are significantly more convenient (and for many of us, they are), then it’s likely that we’ll eat more vegetables overall if we buy them frozen. And that is definitely a good thing.
Alongside this, there is research to suggest that frozen produce is broadly similar in terms of vitamin content compared to fresh. It may also bypass some of the potential issues around long transit times and possible vitamin degradation of fresh produce. Frozen produce, on the other hand, tends to be frozen very soon after picking (thus preserving it’s nutritional value). Not to mention increasing the range of good-value foods we can enjoy out of season.
Generally, though, many of us tend to eat a mixture of fresh and frozen produce anyway, so honestly I really don’t worry about the items I almost always buy frozen. This usually includes peas, baby broad beans, spinach and berries (especially outside of the summer months). I’ll try to buy organic where possible, but I don’t worry too much if this isn’t available. I’ll then often make up my own bags of frozen produce or freeze gluts from the kitchen garden too (such as peeled & chopped onions, stewed fruit, smoothie bags, or peeled and chopped bananas ready to blend for a quick banana nice cream). So in summary, I’d say they stack up very well.
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